The following article first appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of ‘Vine and Branch Magazine’
Rey Reynolds joined the Student Support Office last fall as the official ROBS comfort dog. He was hired after two eighth grade students presented a proposal to have a comfort dog on staff—an idea which stemmed from their Capstone Scholar project.
The students presented a compelling, research-based case, finding that comfort dogs can enhance children’s psychological development, improve social skills, increase empathy, and relieve anxiety. According to their research, simply petting a dog can decrease levels of stress hormones, regulate breathing, and lower blood pressure. Additionally, students often use a comfort dog as an excuse to visit the school counselor’s office.
Newly adopted by Head of School Leanne Reynolds, Rey seemed like a perfect fit for the job. The mild-mannered King Charles Cavalier obtained certification as an American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen and was ready for his new role. Or was he? According to him, it’s not the glamorous gig everyone thinks it is.
Contributors: MacLaine Gray and John Greeley