Our buddy program was back in full force this year, following a two-year hiatus due to Covid precautions. Students in grades 4-7 paired with counterparts in grades K-3 for activities throughout the year, including reading, singing, worshipping, and serving.
Kids Meals
The Middle School Student Council, along with Mrs. Breen and Mrs. Wilhide, shared information about the impact of Kids’ Meals during spring Buddy Chapel. Immediately following, Lower & Middle School students worked with their buddies to pack 2,900 sack lunches for Kids’ Meals. There’s no limit to what we can do when we work together!
Christmas Caroling
First and fourth grade buddies celebrated the Christmas season with caroling. Thanks to great music from Ms. McDaniel, the Christmas spirit was in the air!
Fall Buddy Chapel
Pastor Malcolm Marshall joined us for fall Buddy Chapel, where students sang, danced, and learned about God’s love together.
Buddy Reading
Sixth grade and Kindergarten buddies enjoyed the beautiful spring weather with some outdoor reading. The Kindergarteners loved showing off the reading skills they worked on all year!
Famous Texans & Games
Sixth grade and Kindergarten buddies enjoyed the beautiful spring weather with some outdoor reading. The Kindergarteners loved showing off the reading skills they worked on all year!
This article was featured in the Summer 2023 edition of River Oaks Baptist School’s publication Vine & Branch magazine. The program brings our oldest students at together with our youngest students; illustrating how ROBS imposes a sense of leadership to our students regardless of the child’s age.