A hallmark of the Readiness year is hands-on, sensory play: drawing in shaving cream, measuring kernels of corn, harvesting herbs from our garden. Through dramatic play, your child will imagine working in a zoo, a weather station, or a pet shop. By asking questions and exploring answers, your child will experience the relationship between cause and effect: What happens when I mix blue and yellow paint? What happens when I add vinegar to baking soda? What happens when I plant seeds and water them each day? As you drive home in the afternoon, you may ask your child, “What did you do at school?” He may answer, “We just played.” Of course, he’ll be right—and he’ll be learning every step of the way.
After-school learning at ROBS includes Prime Time, our extended-day program, as well as a variety of enrichment classes offered until 6:00 p.m. each day for Readiness – Grade 8.
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