Middle School

Fifth Grade

As your child embarks on her first year of Middle School, a whole new world awaits. At first, she may focus on the thrill of changing classes each period and exploring our new, state-of-the-art Mosing Middle School Building. But fifth grade brings so much more than new terrain and a more complex schedule. Your child can look forward to a year of amazing experiences, strengthened by growing relationships with faculty and peers. 

He will learn to adjust to teachers with different personalities, expectations, and teaching styles. Long-term projects will require more planning. Multiple homework assignments, quizzes, and tests will challenge your child to become more organized and responsible. Rotations in art, choir, orchestra, theater, Bible, and digital literacy may reveal previously undiscovered interests. P.E. will build knowledge and skills in preparation for next year’s sports offerings. Advisory classes will help students build social-emotional skills, and their first overnight field trip to Camp Allen will give them the gift of time to explore and connect with classmates outdoors. Fifth grade promises to be a fast-paced, stimulating whirl of activity and discovery. The best part? Your child will love learning.

Avid Readers & Writers

A double dose of Language Arts in fifth grade gives students a strong foundation for all that lies ahead. One class emphasizes grammar, spelling, and writing, while the other uses an individualized reading program to...

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Master Mathematicians

Fifth grade math blends the best of Everyday Mathematics, which is the core of our Lower School mathematics program, with the strengths of other math curricula. As concepts build on one another, your child will...

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Curious Scientists

There’s no better way to energize children about science than through hands-on learning that’s clearly connected to the real world. The fifth grade general science curriculum gives students a taste of what’s to come in...

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Global Citizens

Why study history? There’s a saying that times change, but people don’t. Learning about historical triumphs and tragedies shows us how events are interconnected and gives us insight into what’s happening in the world. Fifth...

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Buenos Amigos

Daily Spanish class in fifth grade readies students for high-school level Spanish as early as next year. The fifth-grade Spanish curriculum deliberately parallels the Science curriculum, so your child will acquire vocabulary, read, and speak...

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Inspired Artists

Art is one of the primary elements that define a culture. Think Bolshoi Ballet, Diego Rivera murals, and jazz greats Ella Fitzgerald and Thelonious Monk. Our arts curriculum will offer your child windows into both...

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Spiritual Learners

Spiritual formation is a lifelong journey, and the middle school years can be some of the most transformative. Children begin to transition from reflecting the belief systems of their parents to embracing their own understanding of...

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Celebrated Athletes

We want our students to play for fun. We also value the sense of responsibility and understanding that comes from relying on others, contributing to a team, and learning to win–and lose–with grace. Fifth graders...

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After-school programming

After-school learning at ROBS includes Prime Time, our extended-day program, as well as a variety of enrichment classes offered until 6:00 p.m. each day for Readiness – Grade 8.

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River Oaks Baptist School: Christian School Houston Texas

Learn more about fifth grade at ROBS!