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Middle School

Curious Scientists

Laughter and the smell of sawdust drift from the science lab as eighth graders test and tweak their catapults, gunning for maximum range. Building catapults is just one of the many hands-on projects your child will experience in Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC). He will make slime and cold packs, then conduct flame tests for metal ions.

Engineering challenges such as designing a Pringle chip pod will require him to communicate and collaborate with peers. Some assignments deliberately lack directions, making room for students’ creativity and innovation. Your child will find new ways to think about the world by examining the periodic table and determining the properties of an element; investigating the structures, types, and properties of matter; learning about chemical bonds and chemical reactions; explaining the relationship between motion and forces; recognizing the interdependence of work and energy; relating heat and temperature change on the macroscopic level to particle motion on the microscopic level; and studying light waves. We hope your child leaves IPC with a growing sense of wonder at the magnificence of God’s scientific design. 

River Oaks Baptist School: Christian School Houston Texas

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