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Middle School

Self-assured Leaders

Leadership takes many forms. It can be a student picking up trash in the hall so his class can retain the privileges they enjoy. It can be a shy new student who finds her voice and becomes a respected thought leader during deep Harkness discussions. It can be someone who organizes and delegates the work during group projects so everyone can excel at their own strengths.

We believe that leadership can be learned, so we weave opportunities to build leadership skills throughout the student experience. Good leaders are good listeners. From their first days on campus, students are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves, their work, and their belongings. We offer opportunities to look outward and care for classmates—leading daily lessons, serving on Student Council, participating in Safety Patrol, acting as a younger student’s buddy, or joining the Chapel Worship Team. Your child will practice self-control, learning to show respect to others, even when she doesn’t agree with their views. And we teach children to assume responsibility for the community beyond our campus.

Through good deeds large and small, such as service projects for worthy causes, your child will discover ways he can make the world a better place.

River Oaks Baptist School: Christian School Houston Texas

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