Teachers Off the Clock

When you’re a child, the association between your teacher and your school is so strong that it can be difficult to separate. Seeing your teacher at the grocery store, a restaurant, or even the movie theatre can feel shocking. But then you remember, of course teachers have a life outside of school, of course they don’t live on campus, day in and day out. And then you start to wonder, what else do they do when they’re not here? Well, we know our ROBS teachers are the best in their field when they’re on campus–so it makes perfect sense that the same goes for off-campus. The ways our teachers use their creativity, hone their skills, and celebrate their God-given gifts and talents–even when they’re outside of school–is amazing. If you’ve ever wondered how our teachers spend their free time, we’ve found some answers!

Did You Know?

Mr. Wrobel performs every weekend with the Music Box Theatre? In addition to being an excellent theatre teacher, he’s also an excellent performer. He co-founded the theatre over 10 years ago and is a three-time Emmy nominee.

A Saturday at the Music Box Theatre with Luke Wrobel, Middle School Theatre Arts

Did You Know?

Mrs. Currin is a fabulous cook and baker? Her specialty? Cooking up fun, memories, and delicious treats for her friends and family.

In the Kitchen with Tara Currin, Head of Lower School

“When I’m not at school, you can typically find me in the kitchen. Baking is very meaningful to me, as it’s a hobby passed down to me on both sides of my family. I feel connected to so many of my family members when I bake, and I love baking–and cooking–for others. My favorite way to spend a Sunday is in the kitchen with my family making Sunday supper. We love choosing recipes that take all day to cook; our favorites usually come from With Gratitude, Johnny Carrabba’s family cookbook. I love those days–music up loud, singing, dancing, cooking, and all of us together sharing one of my very favorite things.”

Tara Currin

Did You Know?

Mrs. McAfee and Ms. Hess work together outside of school? ROBS brought them together and inspired them to start their own business specializing in personalized paper goods, accessories, and experiences.

Getting Crafty with Meghan McAfee and Ashleigh Hess

What inspired you to start a bespoke, craft-based business outside of school?

My dad is an architect and always helped me with my school projects. Learning about exacto knives and spray mount glue then has helped me execute many of my ideas as an adult. As a little girl, my Nana always taught us the importance of handwritten notes. I’ve always enjoyed hands-on, personalized, DIY projects, and now I love making those projects come to life for other people.

Meghan McAfeeThird Grade

Growing up my house was full of paper, scissors, markers, glue, and paint. The garage was reserved for wood-working and building. My mom painted and made everything out of paper; my dad fixed everything for everyone, made furniture, and worked on tiny toy trains in his free time. My aunts and uncles sent me post cards from their travels, bought me sketchbooks and journals, and took me to see shows! Everywhere there was magic to be seen and something to be created as a result. Inspiration is all around us, and I love that I can use my inspiration to bring joy to others.

Ashleigh HessMiddle School Spanish

Did You Know?

Did you know Mrs. Reynolds is a champion pickleball player? She’s participated in national tournaments, including winning gold and silver medals at the Amateur Athletic Union’s Pickleball International Games.

On the Court with Leanne Reynolds, Head of School

How did you find pickleball?

I grew up as a tennis player. I played varsity tennis in high school and continued to play competitively in my twenties and thirties until a knee injury halted my tennis career. About 5 years ago my sister suggested I try pickleball in place of tennis. I played for the first time at the Briar Club–and the rest is history.

Do you have a favorite pickleball accomplishment?

I started playing pickleball with a group of 12 at the Briar Club, and eventually our coach suggested we start playing in tournaments. All my wins have been satisfying, but the best feeling is just knowing I can still keep up with all the young people I play against. It’s never too late to pick up a new passion.

What does pickleball mean to you?

Although I don’t compete in many tournaments anymore, I still play 2-4 times a week. It fills all my buckets–it’s a very social sport, which gives me the opportunity to meet many different people. It’s also quite competitive, which I love. And it’s great exercise. If only I could combine pickleball and Bible Study, we’d really be in business.

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