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Master Mathematicians

Whoever thought math was dull never spent time in a ROBS Kindergarten classroom. Play-based math lessons will capture and hold your child’s attention as she practices and builds numerical fluency, geometric thinking, measurement, and more. After a short whole-group lesson, she may practice a new skill by playing a game with a partner. As everyone works, a teacher may pull aside a small group of students who are ready for more challenge. 

Most of the class may be using a small grid called a “ten frame” to add and subtract numbers one to ten, but a few students may be ready to think about combinations up to 20. To an outside observer, it might appear the class is engaged in the same activity. In reality, the teacher is meeting your child—and every child—in her optimal zone for learning. The same thing happens when students use Dreambox, an online tool for practicing important math skills. Dreambox remembers where your child left off, what skills he has mastered, and where he still needs practice. And because it’s on an iPad, he’ll think it’s a game. The pinnacle of Kindergarten math culminates in the 100th day of school, a much-loved ROBS tradition. Your child will march across campus in a joyful parade, counting to 100 by ones, fives, and tens. As her class passes through each hallway, they will be cheered on by older students who line the halls to join in…and remember. 

River Oaks Baptist School: Christian School Houston Texas

Learn more about kindergarten at ROBS!