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Middle School

Supported Learners

The Middle School years are a time of explosive growth for children. That’s why we keep a close eye not only on academic progress, but also on students’ social and emotional wellbeing. Our Middle School counselor and learning specialist work closely with classroom teachers to assess students’ needs and recommend appropriate interventions.

The counselor also may meet with students or parents about issues related to school, family concerns, or both. Referrals to outside therapists and tutors are made when needed. We offer certain accommodations to children diagnosed with learning differences, while acknowledging that ROBS isn’t an academic fit for every child.

Through tools like “homework club” and weekly homework outlines, our learning specialist offers support to students who need extra scaffolding. We even educate parents about topics like cyber-safety and executive functioning skills because we know children benefit when school and home are closely aligned.

River Oaks Baptist School: Christian School Houston Texas

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